What Does Creation Mean?

God’s act of creation stands as a symbolic statement about his Lordship over creation, emphasizing his dominion over it all and asserting his dominance over its existence.

Studies of creation should reveal God’s great love, grace and beauty that characterize his creation – the biblical account of creation illuminates this point perfectly.


Biblical accounts of creation contain greater insights than can be provided by operational science (like building computers or vaccines). They affirm a specific point in history where God created everything. Furthermore, these stories assert that death first entered existence due to man’s fall, while evolution is an ongoing process within created species.

Scripture describes creation as being perfect and free from death or suffering, taking six days for God’s work to complete (Genesis 1:1-17, Genesis 1:3,8,9-12-14). These six “days” corresponded with regular 24-hour days that culminated with His command bringing about creation (Genesis 1:3, 8, 9, 12, 14). This affirmation of God as Lord in creation emphasizes his control, authority, and presence over everything around us; distinguishing him from pantheistic views that view nature itself as god or Gnostic theories regarding natural emanation from above (Genesis 1:1-17). Additionally, Old Testament books such as Psalms and Proverbs describe how all creation points towards its source – Jesus!


Creationism is the belief that Genesis 1-3 of the Bible provides a reliable narrative on how our universe and life came to exist as they do today, including humans on Earth. Creationists reject evolution which they claim conflicts with biblical revelation and is founded upon many presuppositions which contradict biblical assumptions.

God formed all that exists, both visible and hidden, within six normal-length 24-hour days in which to create the universe from scratch. Genesis 1:1 uses the term ‘bara’, which translates as “create”, exclusively when used regarding Him and His creative efforts.

The biblical doctrine of creation firmly establishes God as Lord over everything that exists (Exod 20:11; Neh 9:6; Ps. 146:5-6). Additionally, it shows that God uses words as means of creating things (Gen 1:2). Thus removing any basis for racism or prejudice based on skin color, hair color, gender, height weight ancestry or other attributes of physical nature.


The Bible presents God as the Creator of all things, which is an essential truth upon which to base any understanding of Scripture; especially man’s commission to subdue and rule over Earth (Gen 1:26,28).

Scripture’s accounts of creation offer both scientific and historical facts as well as an enduring theological message. God’s original creation of life illustrates His character, power and nature while serving as the cornerstone for understanding His subsequent acts of providence and redemption.

Genesis 1 depicts God’s work of creation over six days as being systematic and progressive. God is an infinite, eternal being who needs nothing outside himself to sustain life on Earth; all things came into existence by his words alone for his glory alone, including evil–though He did not initiate or cause it directly.

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The biblical creation story stands in stark contrast to evolutionary theories of Big Bang, abiogenesis and millions of years; instead it affirms God as Creator. It establishes his rightful place within nature by affirming his authority over everything that exists; including telling all creatures what to do and His presence in all parts of life.

Physical science recognizes as one of the central truths that life and its origins stem from specific acts of divine creation, rather than random natural processes like evolution. The Bible records these acts with precise descriptions reflecting God’s nature as revealed through Old Testament books such as Psalms and Proverbs.

God created everything out of nothing and for His own infinitely wise purposes; therefore it can legitimately be called eternal creation. However, this conclusion should not be seen as necessary from an intellectual viewpoint; it simply follows from His creative Word having creative power – it is His energy source!