How Packaging Materials Affect Consumer Choices


There are several factors that must be taken into account when creating packaging designs. The shape, surface appearance, safety, and visibility are just a few of these factors. Once you’ve considered these factors, you’ll be well on your way to creating a successful packaging design. However, the next factor that needs your attention is the material that the packaging is made of. Many materials are toxic to humans, so be careful what you choose. Packaging materials should be made of sustainable and recyclable materials.


While shape may seem to be a minor aspect, it plays a major role in consumers’ purchasing decisions. Consumers’ buying habits are heavily influenced by the packaging shape of a product. In addition to its visual appeal, shape also influences consumer behavior by triggering personal associations. Certain shapes evoke strong emotional reactions. Furthermore, they are effective in reinforcing the contextual message of a brand and product. The following are some examples of how packaging shapes affect consumer behavior.

One study by Raghubir and Krishna showed that the shape of a package could influence a consumer’s purchase decision. The researchers also found that consumers tend to be influenced by packaging aesthetics, which can also affect purchasing decisions. As Raghubir explains, the shape of a package also relates to color and size judgments. Darker colors, for example, make a package appear heavier than it actually is. Despite the importance of packaging shape, this area of marketing research has received limited attention.

Surface appearance

Package design can influence the choices of consumers, thereby altering their search process. The surface appearance of packaging materials is one of the most important factors that influence a consumer’s decision. Moreover, the visual stimuli provided by the brand packages may alter or interrupt the decision-making process. Here are a few examples of how the surface appearance of packaging materials can influence consumers’ choices. Read on to discover the best practices for packaging design.

The surface of the packaging may convey cues to consumers that the food inside is more natural. However, the effect may not be significant when the presence of other naturalness cues is present. Thus, we cannot say whether the surface effect will be generalized across products. Therefore, we need more studies to determine whether this effect will have a moderate effect. If it is found that the surface effect will be mediated through other direct signals, the effect of packaging surfaces is small or insignificant.


There are several factors to consider when choosing a packaging material. In addition to being attractive, the material should be safe. Many packaging materials are not safe, and a small percentage of these products may contain hazardous substances. In this article, we will review some of the most common packaging material hazards and discuss how to avoid them. A safe system of work will also ensure that the machine is operated by trained workers. Lastly, it should include proper procedures for cleaning and maintenance.

The FDA regulates the materials used in packaging and looks at cumulative exposure to food contact substances. The agency also evaluates the type of packaging used, as well as whether the packaging material affects the taste and smell of food. This division employs toxicologists, chemists, and other scientific staff to evaluate the safety of packaging materials. This division can be useful for consumers when choosing a packaging material for the foods they purchase. The standards help consumers make informed choices.


Increasing product visibility on packaging can be as easy as tweaking package design. In one case, a company was told to reduce shelf space at retail because sales were dipping. Instead, it redesigned the packaging with a smaller logo, a larger product picture, and different font for each flavor. Within a quarter, sales had doubled and the company had no plans to reduce shelf space. That’s visibility in action!

Research has shown that consumers are more likely to buy items with visible packaging. This study compared the visibility of different packaging designs. Those that caught participants’ attention within the first four seconds of viewing the packaging were the most appealing. As a result, the manufacturers of these products might be better at ensuring that their products receive more visibility in stores. But what are the benefits of higher visibility? And how can they improve it? Read on to learn more.


When it comes to costing, the materials used in box production are essential to the overall success of a business. The selection of these materials must take into account the type of product that is being shipped, as well as the environment in which it will be used. Generally, high-quality materials that are resistant to creep, fluctuating weather conditions, and other factors are often more cost-effective in the long run. For example, if a product is shipped to a country with high humidity, it is important to choose materials that are resistant to these conditions.

The main costs associated with packaging are listed below, but can be broken down further. These include space for storing packaging materials, assembly of containers, quality control checks, new processing equipment, storage racks, and insect-proofing of storerooms. In addition to the above, the cost of the packaging materials and products is often included in the production budget as an operating expense. A business may also incur costs as a result of introducing new packaging technology, such as the development of new equipment.